Thursday, 2 April 2015

7 Indonesian Women Takes On The World

Women are the pillar of religion, state, and households. Due to the woman also we can live up to now still healthy. Indonesian women are not only many who made achievements in the State itself but also made achievements in the land of others. Here is Indonesia, Global Women commemorate Women's Day on March 8, 2015 ago. 7 Indonesian woman who Global:
1.Butet Manurutng, founder of The Jungle School and TIME Magazine Hero in 2004

She is a hero of the nation because of his persistence to fight for education for the people in the interior. Some of the action is to establish a free school named 'SOKOLA Jungle' in 2003 and for isolated communities.
Not only in one place, the woman whose real name marlina Manurutng Saur has also developed SOKOLA remote jungle in various places in the country. He even dedicated his life to them willingly participate live in the jungle.
Common activities, teaching people to read, write, count, and so forth. Concern for the people left behind are so high. Until the year 2004, Butet received an award as one of the Asian Heroes of TIME. The following article in TIME magazine about Butet written by former President.

Spicy Egg Crust (Kerak Telur) Jakarta

If you are visiting Indonesia Jakarta precisely, it is not complete if you have not tried the food typical Jakarta named crust Eggs or Egg Crust. Egg crust commonly sold on the day of birthday celebration or Pekan Raya Jakarta Jakarta usually held once a year during the full moon of the month of May and June every year. 
The crust is a Betawi traditional egg omelette spicy dish in Indonesian cuisine. It is made from Glutinous rice cooked with egg and served with serundeng (fried shredded coconut), fried shallots and dried shrimp as toppings. It is Considered as a snack and not as a main dish. The vendors of egg crust are Easily the most ubiquitous during the annual Jakarta Fair and Become a must-have menu items for visitors at the event. 
Each of the portion is made by order. The crust egg vendor puts a small amount of sticky rice (English: sticky rice) on a small wok pan and heats it on the charcoal fire. Add an egg (chicken or duck, duck eggs are Considered but more delicious), and add some spices and mix it. The dish is fried on a wok without any cooking oil so the omelette will stick on the wok and enable to put it upside down straight against charcoal fire until it is cooked. The spicy serundeng (sweet grated coconut granules) with ebi (dried salted shrimp) and fried shallots are sprinkled upon the omelette.

Bukit Kasih (Hill of Love) Place of Religion Tolerance

Bukit Kasih (Hill of Love) is one of the tourist places in the province of North Sulawesi. On the hill there is a monument of this love. Bukit Kasih is located about 50 miles south of Manado, precisely in the village Kanonang, Minahasa district. Bukit Kasih is a hill sulfur unspoiled. This place tourists will be excited compassion.

Bukit Kasih was built in 2002 as a religious center where all religions can gather and worship in the lush tropical hills and misty. Named Bukit Kasih for this place creates a feeling of harmony among religions. There are five houses of worship on the Mount of Love, one of the Catholic Church, the Christian churches, Buddhist temples, mosque and a Hindu temple located in the A peak. In the first summit we could see a white cross that reaches 53 meters which can be seen from the beach Boulevard, Manado. In this place is also believed to be the original ancestors of the Minahasa tribe, Toar and Lumimuut stay.